Latest News Blog

EcoDesign 2023

Raski and Zun are presenting at EcoDesign 2023 in Nara (29th of November ~ 1st of December). Raski presented on his work “Evaluation of the “Shift” and “Improve” Strategies in Achieving Sustainable Urban Transportation”...

New Paper! Cost of Green Hydrogen

Congratulations Zun on publishing this paper: Cost Projection of Global Green Hydrogen Production Scenarios in the journal Hydrogen! The paper provides an analysis and estimation of potential costs of producing hydrogen from electrolysis, notably...

Visitors from Madagascar

We have two Malagasy students visiting the Graduate School of Energy Science for the next 2 months or so (Sanda and Narovana). Narovana will be working with our lab closely over this time. Thank...

September Graduations!

Congratulations to Luo and Andrew – Dr Luo and Dr Curtis – on graduating with their PhDs today, 25th of September, 2023. Lots of years of hard work put into this, and some nice...

New Paper in “Energy and Resources”!

David Sanchinelli (2023 Graduate, Master`s) has published a paper in the journal “Energy and Resources” of the Japan Societey of Energy and Resources. The paper, entitled “Techno-Economic Evaluation of Off-grid Microgrid Topologies: A Case...

New Paper! Just Transitions…

A new paper published out of our collaboration on Just Transitions with Prof. Mabon and Prof. Chapman. “Just transitions at the local level: insights from coal communities in Japan“

New Paper in ERSS – Just Transitions

A new paper arising from our collaboration on Just Transitions with Prof. Chapman (Kyushu University) and Prof. Mabon (Open University, UK) has been published in Energy Research & Social Science. Available for free for...

Luo`s Public Defense

PhD Candidate Yilun Luo gave his final Public Defense of his thesis today. We hope the result will go well.