Latest News Blog

New Paper in Energy Reports!

Congratulations to Raski for co-authoring a new paper in Energy Reports, “Examining the effectiveness of policies for developing battery swapping service industry“.

New paper in Energy Policy!

Lab member and PhD candidate Samin has just published a paper in Energy Policy: “Electricity price spike formation and LNG prices effect under gross bidding scheme in JEPX”

Recruiting an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Energy Science

Recruiting an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Energy Science

The Department of Socio-Environmental Energy Science, at the Graduate School of Energy Science is looking for an Associate Professor.  Application in English – see the details via the link below.

New Co-Authored Paper!

Congratulations to PhD Student Raski, who has recently had a co-authored paper published in the Journal of Cleaner Production. This paper “Investigating policies on increasing the adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia” is based...