Category: Conferences


EcoBalance2024 is coming-up soon: The conference deals with many of the research topics we investigate in this lab, and is a great conference held mostly in Japan, with a long history.

Olivia receives Best Presentation Award

Congratulations to Olivia for receiving the Best Oral Presentation award at the 8th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES 2024) (March 22-24, Chongqing) for her presentation on “Water-Energy-Food-sectors (WEFX) nexus framework from...

Allen Awarded for Conference Presentation

Congratulations to Allen for being awarded the “Best Presentation Award” for Session 5 (Clean Energy & Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction) at the recent 8th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA 2024)!...

EcoDesign 2023

Raski and Zun are presenting at EcoDesign 2023 in Nara (29th of November ~ 1st of December). Raski presented on his work “Evaluation of the “Shift” and “Improve” Strategies in Achieving Sustainable Urban Transportation”...

Kyoto-Kyushu Workshop

The latest edition in the series of KU-KU Workshops was held at Kyoto University on 17th of May, 2023. Presenters from Chapman Lab in Kyushu and our lab presented in the Workshop.  We look...