The Energy Economics Lab has 2 Post-Doc`s, 13 Doctoral students, 12 Master`s students, plus some visiting researchers and 2 pre-Master`s students
The latest photos of the group (2024.04) – some not shown
Teaching Staff
Dr Ben McLellan (←Click for more info)
Professor of Socio-Environmental Energy Science
- From Queensland, Australia
- PhD in Chemical Engineering, Queensland University
- Publications and Proceedings
- Google Scholar
Dr Seiichi Ogata (←Click for more info)
Associate Professor of Socio-Environmental Energy Science
- From Japan
- PhD in Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University
Mayumi Hung (Secretary)
Post-Doctoral Researchers
Mark Akrofi (Joint with UNU)
- From: Ghana
- Researching: Assessing the impact of energy regulation on electricity access and just energy transition in sub-Saharan Africa
- Google Scholar
Dr. Siti Marsila Mhd Ruslan (University of Malaysia Terengganu)
- From: Malaysia
- Researching: Mitigating Carbon Intensity in Global Shipping: Exploring the Effects of Energy Efficiency Measures
- Google Scholar
Doctoral Students
Teuku Naraski Zahari (3rd Year)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: Sustainable Energy Transition in the Indonesian Power Sector: A Whole System Perspective
- Google Scholar
Qinan Maulana (2nd Year)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: The Impact of Biodiesel Policies in Indonesia on Economic Development and Sustainability
- Google Scholar
Chen Chen (2nd Year)
- From China
- Researching: Coastal Region Water-Energy-Food-sectors (WEFX) Nexus System Evaluation and Optimization
Madhuri Pal (2nd Year)
- From India
- Researching: Critical minerals and supply security strategies
- Google Scholar
Moe Thiri Zun (1st Year)
- From Myanmar
- Researching:
- Master`s Double Degree with University of Malaya (2024)
- Master`s Thesis: Cost Projection Analysis of Green Hydrogen Production to Achieve Global Competitiveness
Citra Setyawati (1st Year)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: Hydrogen and Just Energy Transitions
- Google Scholar
Laura Moreno Cidras (1st Year)
- From Spain
- Researching: Energy Justice and Just Transitions in Urban Climate Action Plans
Bintang Widhana (1st Year)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: Biofuels and Electricity in Decarbonisation Strategies
Professional Doctoral Students
Takako Mochida (Professional PhD, 1st Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: Energy Poverty
Khadija Usher (Professional PhD)
- From Belize
- Researching: Power Mix Systemic Risk Analysis: An Exploratory Case Study on Dynamic Exposure of Cross-border Electricity Trade on Belize’s Regulated Domestic Power Supply Market
- Graduated from Master`s in this Lab (2022)
- Master`s Thesis: Investigating Governance in Re-structured Electricity Supply Systems, Case Study: Small Developing Economies (SDEs)
Luke Eginton (Professional PhD)
- From Australia
Akira Kishimoto (Professional PhD)
- From Japan
Master`s Students
Kazumichi Tsukamoto (Master`s 2nd Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: TBA
Taichi Usuki (Master`s 2nd Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: TBA
Ryuki Tanaka (Master`s 2nd Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: TBA
Shouhei Naganuma (Master`s 2nd Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: TBA
Kim Ahdo (Master`s 2nd Year / PhD with Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability)
- From Korea
- Researching: LCA
Jeanny Wijaya (Master`s 1st Year)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: LCA of deepsea mining ore processing
Patchariya Julcharoen (Double Degree Master`s 2nd Year, Chulalongkorn)
- From Thailand
- Researching: TBA
Hiroyuki Kadono (Master`s 1st Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: TBA
Kazune Iimura (Master`s 1st Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: TBA
Takehito Watanabe (Master`s 1st Year)
- From Japan
- Researching: TBA
Gayatri Gawande (Master`s 1st Year)
- From India
- Researching: TBA
Manuia Lameta-Brown (Master`s 1st Year)
- From Samoa
- Researching: TBA
Irlyvara Nandini (Master`s 1st Year)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: TBA
Daria Hinrichs (TU Berlin)
Frank Radosits (TU Wien)
Nicolas Rousseau (Mines Paris – PSL)
Graduated Members (2024)
Andik Irawan (PhD)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: Environmental and Economic Sustainability Assessment of 4F (Food, Feed, Fuel and Fertilizer) towards Industrial Ecology Coffee (IEC) (Case study on a pilot plant at Andungsari Coffee Group-Bondowoso-Indonesia)
- Google Scholar
Ana Paula Jiménez Olea (Master`s)
- From Colombia
- Researching: Energy Justice and Social Equity in Colombia
Aigerim Imangali (Master`s)
- From Khazakhstan
- Researching: Critical minerals in Khazakhstan
Samin Rassi (Master`s / PhD with Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability)
- From Iran
- Researching: Energy Markets
Hiroya Chida (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: クラスタリングによる電源構成とエネルギー関連指標の主成分・相関分析
Kyohei Iimura (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: 日本におけるグリーン水素拡大に伴う水電解技術の分析と鉱物資源マテリアルフローへの影響の評価
Koh Kuwahara (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: 京都市への各種中量輸送手段の導入によるライフサイクルCO₂削減効果
Graduated Members (2023)
Jiazhen (Jason) Yap (PhD)
- From Malaysia
- Thesis:
- Clarifying Progress and Potential of the Transition to a Hydrogen Economy: A Study of Historical Developments, Societal Perceptions, and Expert Perspectives
- (水素社会への移行における進捗と可能性の明確化:歴史的発展、 社会的認識、専門家意見の調査)
Andrew Curtis (PhD)
- From Australia
- Thesis:
- A Framework for Assessing Energy Exporting Countries` Vulnerability and Energy Security: Current Fossil Fuel-Dependent Economy and Future Hydrogen Economy
- (エネルギー輸出国の脆弱性とエネルギーセキュリティの評価フレームワーク:現在の化石燃料依存社会と将来の水素社会の事例)
Yilun Luo (PhD)
- From China
- Thesis:
- Investigating the mechanism of interactions between carbon pricing policy and capacity mechanism
- (炭素価格付け政策と容量メカニズムの相互作用の探究)
- Google Scholar
Visiting Researchers (2023)
Gaku Hirooka (visiting Master`s Student)
- From Scotland (Edinburgh University)
- Researching coffee production waste stream valorisation
Narovana Rakotoarison (visiting Master`s Student)
- From Madagascar (University of Antananarivo)
- Researching energy efficiency and lifecycle impacts of alternative material use in buildings
Yonglin Li (visiting PhD Candidate)
- From China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Zhili Zuo (PhD Candidate / Visiting Researcher)
- From China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Yiming Yao (visiting PhD Candidate)
Graduated Members (2022)
David Sanchinelli (Master`s)
- From Guatemala
- Thesis: Long-term techno-economic performance evaluation of common off-grid microgrid topologies: A case study of Guatemala
- (典型的な独立型マイクログリッドの構造における長期的な技術経済評価:グアテマラの事例)
Shiori Katakawa (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Researching: Evaluation of the potential for second-life utilisation of EV batteries for energy storage under different utilisation patterns
- 消費者使用パターンを考慮した電気自動車用バッテリーの二次利用可能性評価
Sota Abe (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Researching: Current and Future Criticality Assessment of the Copper and its By-products in Japan and Globally
- 日本および世界における銅と銅の副産物のクリティカリティ評価と需給予測
Athaya Mahadita (Master`s / Double Degree with University of Malaya)
- From Indonesia
- Researching: Energy security assessment and investigation of the related impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
- (インドネシアにおけるCOVID-19パンデミックのエネルギー安全保障評価とその影響に関する調査)
Patcharee Penchan (Master`s / Double Degree with Chulalongkorn University)
- From Thailand
- Researching: Developing a Framework for Assessment of Hydrogen Adoption Readiness in Energy Systems: A Case Study in Japan
- (エネルギーシステムにおける水素導入状況を評価するためのフレームワーク開発:日本における事例研究)
Augustin LeGrand (Master`s)
ShweSin Han (Master`s / Double Degree with University of Malaya)
- From Myanmar
Researching: Microgrids for Power Delivery in Myanmar
Yuhan Jiang (Master`s)
- From China
- Master`s Thesis: Analysis of the affect of anti-COVID-19-pandemic measures on electricity consumption: case studies from China and the EU
Seiichi Hata (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: TBA
Ryo Miyawaki (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: TBA
Kaiyan Yang (Master`s Double Degree with Chulalongkorn University)
- From China
- Thesis: Investigating the capacity to improve sales forecast accuracy for New Energy Vehicles in China using online search data
Yi Zheng (visiting PhD Candidate from DTU, Denmark)
Shuping Cheng (visiting PhD student)
- From China
Graduated Members (2021)
Dr Tetsuo Tezuka (←Click for more info)
Professor Emeritus of Socio-Environmental Energy Science
- From Ehime, Japan
- PhD in Engineering, Tokyo University – Energy System Science
- Publications and Proceedings
- SCOPUS; Researchmap; Google Scholar
Tomoko Tomomatsu(Secretary)
Dr Ryosuke Gotoh
- From Japan
- Thesis: Framework and Evaluation of the Conditions for Companies to Engage in Renewable Energy Transitions under Constraints of Existing Infrastructure
(既設インフラ制約下における企業のエネルギー移行に関するフレームワークと評価) - SCOPUS
- Open Access Papers:
- Study on Behavioral Decision Making by Power Generation Companies Regarding Energy Transitions under Uncertainty
Khadija Usher (Master`s -> PhD)
- From Belize
- Thesis: Investigating Governance in Re-structured Electricity Supply Systems, Case Study: Small Developing Economies (SDEs)
(再構築した電力供給システムにおけるガバナンスの調査事例研究:小開発途上国 (SDEs))
Dr Ran Motoori (PhD)
- From Saga, Japan
- Thesis: Evaluation of economic and environmental impacts and the social preference for alternative resource security strategies in Japan
(日本における鉱物資源の代替供給による経済・環境影響と資源セキュリティ戦略に対する社会的選好評価) - SCOPUS;
- Open Access Papers:
- Resource Security Strategies and Their Environmental and Economic Implications: A Case Study of Copper Production in Japan
- Environmental Implications of Resource Security Strategies for Critical Minerals: A Case Study of Copper in Japan
Dr Esmaeil Ahmadi (PhD)
- From Iran
- Thesis: Investigation of the Water-Renewable Energy-Nexus in Transition Plans Towards Sustainability in Iran
(イランにおける持続可能な社会に向けた移行計画のための水・再生可能エネルギーネクサスの研究) - SCOPUS;
- Open Access Papers:
- The Role of Renewable Energy Resources in Sustainability of Water Desalination as a Potential Fresh-Water Source: An Updated Review
- An Integrated Planning Framework for Sustainable Water and Energy Supply
Dr Widha Kusumaningdyah (PhD)
- From Indonesia
- Thesis: A Simulation-Based Design and Evaluation Framework for Energy Product-Service System in Liberalized Electricity Markets
(シミュレーションに基づく自由化された電力市場におけるエネルギー製品サービスシステムの設計および評価フレームワーク) - SCOPUS;
- Open Access Papers:
- Investigating Preconditions for Sustainable Renewable Energy Product–Service Systems in Retail Electricity Markets
- Designing and Evaluating Energy Product-Service Systems for Energy Sector (EPSS) in Liberalized Energy Market: A Case Study in Space Heating Services for Japan Household
Masato Nagasawa (Master`s)
- From Hyogo, Japan
- Thesis: Evaluation of the impact of the spread of clean energy vehicles on critical mineral supply risk: Focusing on vehicle use and battery operation
- クリーンエネルギー自動車普及のクリティカルミネラル供給リスクへの影響評価:自動車利用とバッテリー運用に着目して
Al-Matin.MD Abdullah (Master`s)
- From Bangladesh
- Thesis: A Study on Optimal Bi-lateral Electricity Trading Considering Social Welfare of ASEAN Member States
Khurel Ochir Dolgormaa (Master`s)
- From Mongolia
- Thesis: Empirical study on the regional Socio-Economic outcomes of the Extractive Industries in Mongolia
Tatsuya Ohno (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: Analysis of energy saving effect of introducing a next-generation transportation system to downtown Kyoto
- 次世代交通システムの京都市街地への導入による省エネルギー効果の分析
Ken Nagase (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: Estimating the energy and environmental load of a plant factory for the purpose of cultivating tropical plants
- 熱帯植物を栽培目的とした植物工場のエネルギー・環境負荷の推定
Sho Ashida (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: Impact of social capital on the process of digitization -Case study of administrative information distribution system “Ineban” in Ine-cho, Yoza-gun, Kyoto Prefecture-
- 社会関係資本の蓄積がデジタル化の導入過程に及ぼす影響 -京都府与謝郡伊根町の行政情報配信システム「いねばん」の事例-
Hirotaka Mizuguchi (Master`s)
- From Japan
- Thesis: Analysis of economic effects of utilizing surplus renewable electricity for crypto-currency mining
- 暗号資産を活用した再生可能 エネルギー余剰電力の経済効果分析
Graduated Members (2020)
Huseyn Askerov (Master`s)
- From Azerbaijan
- Thesis: Evaluation of the potential of Spent Coffee Grounds as a biomass feedstock in Kyoto city
- Currently: Employed in Japan
Altangerel Amarbold (Master`s)
- From Mongolia
- Thesis: Modeling of demand response behavior for a virtual power plant design
- Currently: Employed in Japan
Ryo Nakamura (Master`s)
- From Kanagawa, Japan
- Thesis: 再生可能エネルギー大量導入下の自律分散的な電力需給調整機構に関する研究
- (Tentative translation) (Research on autonomous decentralized power supply and demand adjustment mechanisms under widespread introduction of renewable energy)
- Currently: Working in Japan
Atsutaka Yamada (Master`s)
- From Kyoto, Japan
- Thesis: 営農型太陽光発電の構造最適化と普及シナリオの評価
- (Tentative translation)(Structural optimization of farm-type photovoltaic power generation and evaluation of diffusion scenarios)
Graduated Members (2019)
Takuma Watari (Master`s)
- From Tottori, Japan
- Thesis: Critical Metal Supply Risks in Low-Carbon Energy Transitions
- Currently: Researcher at NIES (Graduated from University of Tokyo, PhD, 2021)
- Open Access Publications:
- Total material requirement for the global energy transition to 2050: A focus on transport and electricity
- Requirements for Minerals and Metals for 100% Renewable Scenarios
- Analysis of Potential for Critical Metal Resource Constraints in the International Energy Agency’s Long-Term Low-Carbon Energy Scenarios
Kentaro Nagata (Master`s)
- From Hyogo, Japan
- Thesis: 社会関係資本の蓄積がCommunity Renewable Energyに及ぼす影響 -東吉野村小水力発電事業の事例-
- (Tentative translation) (Impact of Accumulation of Social Capital on Community Renewable Energy-Example of Higashiyoshino Village Small Hydropower Project-)
Peng Hanwen (Master`s)
- From China
- Thesis: Analysis of Alternative Recycling Systems and Country-Product Characteristics as a Basis for Proposing Future Energy Device Recycling
- Currently: Working in Japan
Briandhika Utama (Master`s)
- From Indonesia
- Thesis: Evaluation of the economic implications of ASEAN+3 countries` energy mix transitions towards renewable energy
- Currently: Working as an Engineer in Japan
Bergman Carl Ludvig William (Master`s)
- From Sweden
- Thesis: Investigation of the relationship between mineral resource production and national economic development
- Currently: Working in Sweden
Graduated Members (2018)
Dr Riccardo Iacobucci (PhD)
- From Italy
- Thesis: Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles: potential for Power Grid integration
- 共有型自動運転電気自動車と電力系統の統合システム評価
- Currently: Researcher in Japan
- Open Access Papers:
- The Synergies of Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles with Renewable Energy in a Virtual Power Plant and Microgrid
Mashifu Noguchi (Master`s)
- From New Zealand
- Thesis: Framework for the assessment of potential hydrogen supply chains and their effect on Japan’s energy security
- Currently: Working as an Engineer in Japan
Hiroaki Ishikawa (Master`s)
- From Iwate, Japan
- Thesis: あわじ環境未来島構想における持続可能目標の地域振興効果分析
- (Tentative translation) (Analysis of regional promotion effects of sustainable goals in the Awaji Environmental Future Island Initiative)
Nobuhiro Kobayashi (Master`s)
- From Kyoto, Japan
- Thesis: 再生可能エネルギー利用社会におけるエネルギー貯蔵のベストミックス
- (Tentative translation) (The best mix of energy storage in a renewable energy society)
Aya Fujimoto (Master`s)
- From Kyoto, Japan
- Thesis: 資源埋蔵量と環境負荷を考慮した都市鉱山利用戦略の検討
- (Tentative translation) (Examination of urban mine utilization strategy considering reserves and environmental load)
Graduated Members (2017)
Dr Niken Prilandita (PhD)
- From Bandung, Indonesia
- Thesis: Evaluation Framework for Autonomous Decision-Making Performance in Energy and Environmental Innovations
新エネルギー環境技術導入に関わる自律的意思決定効果の評価の枠組に関する研究 - SCOPUS
- Open Access Papers:
- Evaluation Method for Autonomous Decision-Making Performance in Energy and Environmental Innovations: A Case Study of an Indonesian Community
- Modeling Autonomous Decision-Making on Energy and Environmental Management Using Petri-Net: The Case Study of a Community in Bandung, Indonesia
- Framework for Identifying Autonomous DecisionMaking Process in Energy and Environmental Issues: Case Studies in Indonesian Communities (Rukun Warga)
Dr Andrew Chapman (PhD)
- From South Australia, Australia
- Thesis: A Framework for Energy Policy Evaluation and Improvement Incorporating Quantified Social Equity
社会的平等性の定量評価を含むエネルギー政策評価・改善の枠組構築 - Currently: Associate Professor at Kyushu University
- Open Access Papers:
- Strengthening the Energy Policy Making Process and Sustainability Outcomes in the OECD through Policy Design
Catur Kurniadi (Master`s)
- From Indonesia
- Thesis: The effect of energy subsidies on households’ energy consumption in Indonesia
Shungo Edamatsu (Master`s)
- From Nara, Japan
- Thesis: 水素エネルギーのサプライチェーンにおけるクリティカルメタルの研究
- (Tentative translation) (Research on critical metals in the hydrogen energy supply chain)
Eisuke Sakagami (Master`s)
- From Nagasaki, Japan
- Thesis: 再生可能エネルギー電源のみで構成された電力市場の制度設計
- (Tentative translation) (Institutional design of the electricity market consisting only of renewable energy power sources)
Kojiro Tsue (Master`s)
- From Kanagawa, Japan
- Thesis: インドのスマートシティにおける水・エネルギー需給システムの設計と評価
- (Tentative translation) (Design and evaluation of water and energy supply and demand systems in smart cities in India)
Graduated Members (2016)
Kenji Niwa (Master`s)
- From Kanagawa, Japan
- Thesis:
- Open Access Papers:
- Study of hydrogen station installation utilizing wind power: case study in Hokkaido
Kazufumi Hirose (Master`s)
- From Osaka, Japan
- Thesis:
Ran Motoori (Master`s -> PhD)
- From Saga, Japan
- Thesis:
Graduated Members (2015)
Anindya Bhattacharya (Professional PhD)
- From India
Minoru Saito (Master`s)
- From Hyogo, Japan
Yoshihide Soh (Master`s)
- From Osaka, Japan
Ai Torii (Master`s)
- From Osaka, Japan
Yuichiro Nakamura (Master`s)
- From Chiba, Japan
Chen Lijing (Master`s)
- From China