Professor Benjamin C. McLellan

Professor Benjamin McLellan received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Queensland in 2007, worked as a post-doc and research fellow at the Sustainable Minerals Institute (UQ) until 2010, and then moved to Kyoto University`s Graduate School of Energy Science.

Ben`s research focuses on sustainability within the energy and resources sectors, with a particular interest in emerging resources and technologies. Recently, he has been involved in research on the topic of just transitions and stakeholder engagement for globally preferable solutions to energy and resources challenges. He has specifically been involved in research into the technical, environmental, economic and social implications of deep sea mining since 2014. This research has focused on identifying the relative impacts of DSM as compared to terrestrial mining. This research links to broader examination of the use of critical minerals (which can be sourced from the deep ocean) for clean energy technologies. He also examines other aspects of the energy-X-nexus (X being any other sector, e.g. water, minerals, land).

Ben has a strong focus on the support of early career researchers, open access science and on international collaboration.

Research interests

Just Energy and Resource Transitions


resources; deep ocean mining; minerals;

Hydrogen Economy;

sustainable development;


Publications: SCOPUS; ORCID; Google Scholar

Affiliations and Associations

University of Queensland, Sustainable Minerals Institute

Japan Society of Energy and Resources

International Energy Strategy and Policy Forum

Asian Energy Studies Centre

Co-Chief Editor, J-Sustain