In the Energy Economics Research Group we are very interested in the impacts of energy and resource transitions – on the environment, economy, and society.
Concepts of a “Just Transition” are gaining attention, as industries and communities that support and rely on fossil fuels are transformed or potentially left behind in the transition to clean energy.
Currently we are working on a project in conjunction with Kyushu University and Open University (UK), sponsored by the British Academy.
Seminar – Kyoto (2022.05.11)
Assoc. Prof. Chapman presented the initial survey findings at Kyoto University on 11 May, 2022.
Workshop – Kyushu (2021.12.20-21)
The first workshop of the project was held at Kyushu University on 20-21 December, 2021.
The Kyoto team travelled to Kyushu to present the work to date, and to further develop the upcoming stakeholder survey and case study strategies.
Links and Articles
- The Just Transition in Japan: Awareness and desires for the future
- Just transitions at the local level: insights from coal communities in Japan
- Momentum grows over a ‘just’ climate transition in Japan, but more action needed
- What might the Glasgow Climate Pact mean for a just transition in Japan?
- Cases in point: Omuta-Miike
- Future of Fukushima
- Press Release
- Project Report Summary
- Full Project Report
- IRENA’s 23rd Council Meeting Ends with Call for Inclusive Energy Transition Tweet
- Presentation available online
- Project Video