Tagged: energy

New Co-Authored Paper!

Congratulations to PhD Student Raski, who has recently had a co-authored paper published in the Journal of Cleaner Production. This paper “Investigating policies on increasing the adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia” is based...

New Paper! Hydrogen Economy in the US

A new paper just published with lab alumnus Assoc. Prof. Andrew Chapman of Kyushu University and colleagues in the US. “Challenges toward achieving a successful hydrogen economy in the US: Potential end-use and infrastructure...

New Paper!

A new paper has just been published, entitled “A critical review on deployment planning and risk analysis of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) toward carbon neutrality” in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.  This...

Open Lab – Lab visit opportunities

オープンラボ 【ようこそ!大学の研究室へ】 For anyone interested in visiting the lab, there are some opportunities open in June. (Domestic visitors)

Invited Lecture: Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Prof. McLellan was invited to give a presentation entitled “Energy Systems Planning for Sustainable Cities in Indonesia: Journey to Self Reliance” at the International Seminar on the “Development of Sustainable Cities in Indonesia: Multi-sectoral...