Author: admin

New Paper! More Coffee!

Congratulations to Andik on another paper: “A comparison of life cycle assessment (LCA) of Andungsari Arabica coffee processing technologies towards lower environmental impact.” published in the Journal of Cleaner Production.

New publication! Coffee by-products

Congratulations to Andik for the year`s first publication:  “Developing Coffee Cherry Skin and Coffee Husk by Products as Sustainable Novel Food and Fuel” in the International Journal of Technology, Food and Agriculture (TEFA), published...

Farewell Yonglin!

Yonglin has been with us for around a year, as a visiting CSC scholar during his PhD. He will be leaving next week to go back to China to prepare and defend his final...

New Project Awarded – Australia-Japan Foundation

A new collaboration with the University of Technology, Sydney, led by Dr Stephen Northey, will be starting soon with funding just announced from the Australia-Japan Foundation. The project is aimed at “Developing a shared...

2023 in Review – and a Preview of 2024

The end of the western calendar year 2023 was celebrated by those of us not on holidays or tied-down with work. Although we run on an Academic Calendar that will only finish in March,...

Farewell to Narovana

Narovana has been with us in the lab for only a few months, but it has been wonderful to have her here. Her final presentation for the program was on 18th December, on her...

Visit from Indonesian Coffee Researchers

Today (8th of December, 2023) we had a visit to the lab from a number of Indonesian researchers. Including good friends and long-term collaborators Agus and Nino. We look forward to more fruitful discussions...