Tagged: LCA

New paper! LCA of Specialty Coffee Processing

Congratulations Andik for extracting another paper from your PhD research! This paper, published in Biomass (Open Access): “Comprehensive Environmental Impact Analysis of Dry Processing Methods for Specialty Coffee Beans in Bondowoso, Indonesia Using Life...

New paper! Coffee Roasting LCA

Congratulations to Andik on publishing another paper towards his PhD: “Life cycle assessment of coffee roasting process based on two different energy sources on smallholder coffee farm in jember“


EcoBalance2024 is coming-up soon: https://ecobalanceconference.org/index.html The conference deals with many of the research topics we investigate in this lab, and is a great conference held mostly in Japan, with a long history.

New Paper! More Coffee!

Congratulations to Andik on another paper: “A comparison of life cycle assessment (LCA) of Andungsari Arabica coffee processing technologies towards lower environmental impact.” published in the Journal of Cleaner Production. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141561