Tagged: Just Transitions

New Paper! Just Transitions…

A new paper published out of our collaboration on Just Transitions with Prof. Mabon and Prof. Chapman. “Just transitions at the local level: insights from coal communities in Japan“ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13549839.2023.2249511

New Paper in ERSS – Just Transitions

A new paper arising from our collaboration on Just Transitions with Prof. Chapman (Kyushu University) and Prof. Mabon (Open University, UK) has been published in Energy Research & Social Science. Available for free for...

Handbook on Energy Justice

A new publication – Handbook on Energy Justice – is now available, covering a wide range of topics in energy justice. Chapter 10 in this handbook was co-authored by Prof. McLellan and Prof. Chapman...

In the News: Japan Times Article

Our joint project on Just Transitions has led to some interesting outcomes. Led by Leslie Mabon from Open University UK, a recent article was published in the Japan Times: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2023/04/30/commentary/japan-commentary/japan-just-transition-action-needed/

New Research Project “Just Transitions to a Net-Zero Sustainable Society in Japan”

A new research project has just been initiated with collaborators from Kyushu University and Open University (UK). https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/news/new-funding-announced-for-international-research-projects-into-just-transitions-to-decarbonisation-in-the-asia-pacific/ More on this project and related research on the Just Transitions page of our website.