Tagged: energy

New Paper! Renewable Energy

Congratulations to Dr Yilun Luo for publishing another paper from his PhD work! The paper “A hybrid system dynamics model for power mix trajectory simulation in liberalized electricity markets considering carbon and capacity policy”...

New paper! Electric Vehicles

A new paper just out – a product of a long and productive collaboration with Prof. Zhang Qi of China University of Petroleum, Beijing. “A new model for comprehensively evaluating the economic and environmental...

Olivia receives Best Presentation Award

Congratulations to Olivia for receiving the Best Oral Presentation award at the 8th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES 2024) (March 22-24, Chongqing) for her presentation on “Water-Energy-Food-sectors (WEFX) nexus framework from...

Farewell to Narovana

Narovana has been with us in the lab for only a few months, but it has been wonderful to have her here. Her final presentation for the program was on 18th December, on her...

EcoDesign 2023

Raski and Zun are presenting at EcoDesign 2023 in Nara (29th of November ~ 1st of December). Raski presented on his work “Evaluation of the “Shift” and “Improve” Strategies in Achieving Sustainable Urban Transportation”...

Visitors from Madagascar

We have two Malagasy students visiting the Graduate School of Energy Science for the next 2 months or so (Sanda and Narovana). Narovana will be working with our lab closely over this time. Thank...