Author: admin

Invited Lecture: Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Prof. McLellan was invited to give a presentation entitled “Energy Systems Planning for Sustainable Cities in Indonesia: Journey to Self Reliance” at the International Seminar on the “Development of Sustainable Cities in Indonesia: Multi-sectoral...

Dissemination Seminar – May 11, Kyoto

Associate Professor Andrew Chapman (pictured) presented some of the initial findings of the Just Transitions project to the Energy Economics Research Group.  His presentation on the initial findings from the national survey included some...

Just Transitions in Fukushima

April 24-26, Prof. McLellan and Prof. Chapman (Kyushu University) visited Fukushima – notably the Fukushima Dai-ichi (F1) and Dai-ni (F2) Nuclear Power Plants. Photographs from the plant itself were not permitted, but some information...

New Semester – New Students!

Welcome to all the new students who have joined our lab from Spring, 2022. This semester we have 4 new Master`s students: Ko, Kyohei, Hiroya and Sooma. 2 new PhD students: Andik and Raski...

Graduations 2022

Congratulations to the graduating Master`s students! It has been a strange 2 years during the pandemic, but somehow you got to the finish line! A particular mention to Kaiyan, who had to undertake all...

New Paper!

Dr Ryosuke Gotoh has published the final paper from his PhD thesis in Energies. “Study on Behavioral Decision Making by Power Generation Companies Regarding Energy Transitions under Uncertainty”  The paper applies a quantitative modelling...

Presentation Award – Congratulations Athaya!

Athaya was awarded for one of the best presentations in the Master`s First Year Presentations on 7th of December. Congratulations Athaya! We hope you can physically receive your certificate next year in Japan –...